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About the Telephony DPS Jisc Framework

The Jisc Telephony Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) service enables you to purchase equipment including handsets, system support, mobiles, circuits and SIP trunks, from pre-qualified suppliers who are directly connected to the Janet Network for digital telephony.

Who can use the Telephony Purchasing Service?

The scope of the DPS covers purchases by JSL, Jisc and its members and customers, including purchases by Higher Education institutions, Further Education and Specialist Colleges and Research Council establishments in the UK, and also by any other organisations connected to the Janet network, including Local Authorities, Regional Broadband Consortia, or other bodies whose core purpose is the support or advancement of further or higher education or of research.

How to Buy on the Jisc Telephony Framework

Access to the framework is freely available to Jisc member institutions. Procurement on this framework is via mini-competition.

When ready to begin a procurement on Jisc, you will need to create an invitation to tender and send to telephony@jisc.ac.uk for approval and publishing.

Jisc will help ensure your requirements are technically sound, phrased appropriately and ready for publication on their e-tendering portal.

The mini-competition must be live for at least ten days – but can be up to four weeks in duration.

On completion, Jisc will download all bids and return to you for a decision.

Customer Benefits

  • OJEU compliant 
    The service is an OJEU-compliant route to market.
  • Advice and guidance 
    By purchasing through Jisc’s service you gain access to thier in-house technical experts who will provide impartial advice on all aspects of digital voice technologies, focusing on VoIP and IP telephony.

  • No extra charge for a connection 
    If you already have a Janet connection there’s no need to pay for traditional telephone circuits
  • Fast and reliable
    Telephony purchased through Jisc’s service has all the functionality available with traditional telephony options, plus the reassurance of fast and reliable digital data transfer over the Janet Network.

Jisc Telephony DPS Logo

Contact our team

If you are in the public sector and looking at any projects which include deliverables related the above services please get in touch. Our team would be delighted to review your requirements and advise if you can purchase our products and/or services through the Framework Agreement.